Our vision & mission

Faith Property Collaborative (FPC) is a community of practice for leaders working with faith communities and their properties. Our purpose is to strengthen and advance expertise in the field of property asset management within the emerging movement of sacred-civic placemaking. We foster conversations aimed at the discovery of common mindsets, tools, skills, resources and guidelines. We encourage and sharpen each other as friends and colleagues on a challenging yet hopeful journey.

What we do

We nurture a community of peers through interpersonal generosity—which is the only way that communities form and sustain themselves over time.

We host bi-weekly, learning-focused meetings: Our Zoom calls focus on questions, concerns, and issues that have a practical application for our members. In short, meetings are designed and facilitated in such a way as to focus on learning, often from each other. Often, these meetings are the starting place for discovery and learning as members continue to pursue the conversation in ongoing personal conversations between meetings.

We share best practice, using a team Slack: This is a group working on a common mission, thus it is a community where we can professionally and safely share ideas related to our work, and if desired hash out those ideas with other members. We share resources we find useful. We initiate collaborations with other members, e.g. writing projects, research projects, form teams for development projects, etc., and we network. Again, this activity mostly happens outside of our meetings.

We meet, whenever possible: As the post-COVID recovery continues, we encourage our members to use their local events, to help convene our learning community. This has already happened around academic and writing convenings. In May 2023, we meet in Montreal around a city-wide project there. Future projects include a Charter on Faith-Based Placemaking, etc..

Who we are

Bricks & Mortals | Crossing Capital Group, Inc. | Englewood CDC | Enterprise Community Partners | Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis | Good Friday Collaborative | Impact Bridges Group | Levin School of Public Affairs at Cleveland State University | LISC | Maiker Housing Parnters/CRU | Making Housing Happen | Memorial University | Mochler Centre | Mosaix Global Network | Neighborhood Development Ministries | Neighbourhood Economics | Partners for Sacred Places | RootedGood | Sympara | The Church Cartographers | The Leviticus Fund | Trinity Centres Foundation | United Church of Christ Building and Loan Fund | United Methodist Church, Pacific Northwest Conference | University of Maryland | University of Notre Dame | Wake Forest University | Wesley CDC | Wessington Ventures | World Evangelical Alliance I . . . This is a sample of the institutions and organizations that members of FPC belong to, lead, and/or have founded.

How to join

Step 1: Fill In The Form

To Join FPC please fill in the form . After you join you will be sent a calendar invitation to join our regular gatherings (every two weeks) and an invitation to join our Slack channel where the community meets online, shares resources, and collaborates. Please join the FPC Slack group. That’s really important because that’s where we keep the conversation going between meetings, get notices and updates about meetings, etc..

Step 2: Join the Slack Channel

We’ll say it again, it’s really important that you join the Slack channel and contribute to the activity there. After you submit the form a welcome message will pop up with the link to join the Slack channel.

Step 3: Check the Calendar for the Next Meeting